How to use the EGT Microchip Graphics Composer? =============================================== - Run the binary. - It opens a blank project. - 'Screens' panel, on the lower left-hand side, click on the blue cross to add a screen that is an EGT Window. - The resolution, by default, is 480x272. To change this value, go to the 'Project' menu, 'Settings', 'Screen Size'. In this case, on the target, you the EGT_SCREEN_SIZE must be defined according to the resolution set in the project. - To add widgets, click on a widget from the 'Tool box' panel, on the top right-hand side, and click on the screen at the place you want to drop it. You can move or resize the widget. - To configure a widget, use the 'Object Editor' panel, below the 'Tool box' panel that you've just used. To expand a group click on the cross. For instance to set the width of a widget, expand the 'Size' group. - To activate drag and drop a widget to a parent, there are 2 ways. Either use the 'Screen Tree' panel, select the widget and drop it to the new parent, or on the screen, select the widget, press the Ctrl key and drop it to the new parent. - The 'Screen Tree' allows multiple selections with the 'Shift' key. - To configure the global theme, palette, and font, there are dedicated buttons in the toolbar, at the top of the window, below the menu bar. - To use assets, you must configure the 'Resource Search Paths' from the 'Settings' submenu in 'Project'. These paths are necessary to compute the paths for the target when exporting the project. If no path is set, a popup will ask to set at least one when an asset is added. - Projects can be saved and loaded with the entries in the 'File' menu or the icons in the toolbar. The .zip file generated is only usable by the composer, it stores project settings and widget states. It can't be used by EGT to load the UI. To do this, you need to export the project for EGT, see below. - The 'Export Project' button in the toolbar exports a zip file containing the ui.xml file that can be loaded with the basicui example from EGT, and optionally the assets of the project. The EGT library and examples must use the same version as the one used by the composer which is the '1.4' tag. To deploy the UI on the target, you have to copy the zip file generated, extract it, and pass the ui.xml file to the basicui program from EGT examples: egt_basicui -i file:./ui.xml - The 'UI Preview' button opens an EGT application displaying the current screen. The rendering is the one you will get on the target. Known issues ============ - When modifying the size of a widget, the value can be discarded if the 'Auto Resize' property is selected. For instance, you select the width which is 90, if you want to replace it with 150, you may end up with a weird value it's because the size is updated at each keystroke. If you want to avoid this weird behavior, disable 'Auto Resize'. - Multiple selections don't work on the screen, only in the 'Screen Tree' panel.